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  • ryandwestrup

Are You a Winner?

If you have to win at everything then you will be surrounded by a bunch of losers. This is what one of the most influential mentors and friends in my life told me one time. Well, that kind of sucked to hear. I'm a Enneagram Type 3. I want to be a winner, or at least perceived as one, in everything I do. I often measure my worth in what I'm able to accomplish. This can be a problem for me though because based upon my strengths and my role as a leader and pastor I'm only winning when those around me are winning. It's never about me.

The more I have wrestled with this thought I have realized that I don't want to get to the end of my life and be successful without having influenced others or brought people with me.

So, is it bad to be me? Is it a negative thing that I'm wired this way. No, I don't think so. I just have to understand what my intentions are. Am I competitive and trying to win to influence people in a positive light or for my own benefit? I get the unique opportunity in my role as pastor and leader of the LifeGroups/LifeMissions ministry at Life.Church Norman to point people to Jesus. I have to make sure that I am seeking Him first though, and again not doing it for my own fame.

Whether you are super competitive like me, or you could care less who wins, what are your intentions?

Are they to benefit yourself or to influence others? Are you bringing people with you in your journey of life or are you blazing a lonely road by yourself. I've decided my life is going to be all about bringing people with me. Let's go win...together!

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